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Council Chair Bruce Dodd, Sally Stark, Principal Don West

Faithful Service

At 2022’s Annual General Meeting, long-serving Council Secretary Sally Stark stepped down. We asked her for some thoughts…

When I agreed to be Secretary to the College Council, I thought it would entail … well, admin. I in no way anticipated the privilege it would be seeing the Council at work. As I observed godly people laboring prayerfully and humbly on all manner of issues, my affection for Trinity only grew. Thanks be to God for his wonderful generosity and kindness working in and through the College over the decades (in tiny ways and in huge ways), and how he continues that work, no matter the changes in the landscape.

It seems to me that training gospel workers well is a pretty resource-intensive process. The Lord has provided wise, skilled people on staff and on Council to harness and steward those resources. As College supporters, let’s be praying for them as they bear this responsibility on behalf of us all to ensure  Trinity does what it has set out to do, while complying with the highest standards of governance and management.

And let’s keep praying for every facet of the College’s ministry and operations. Let’s go to the prayer breakfasts and be praying at home too. Let’s be asking the Lord of the harvest who we can be encouraging to consider studying at or supporting Trinity.

Be heartened: our support is bearing fruit for Jesus’ kingdom.

Sally Stark

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