During the summer break, many of our students are actively involved in missions trips and…
Service, study and mission: Jahjah’s story
The Great Commission, spoken by Jesus in Matthew 28:16-20, continues to be a key motivating verse for the gospel being taken to all nations. Jahjah is answering this call; having served for two and a half years as a missionary in Eastern Europe, he is now studying at Trinity with plans to return to missionary work. Jahjah and his wife Amy currently attend Claremont Baptist Church.
Jahjah grew up in a Christian family with parents who loved Jesus and wanted to share this love with their children so they’d know Jesus too. Despite this, Jahjah still saw Christianity as “lame,” and he didn’t come to know Christ for himself until he was 16. At this point he finally understood that sin was real and that he was a sinner. From then on, the gospel was genuinely good news that Jahjah wanted to share.
While studying at university, Jahjah first considered the idea of theological study, and after completing a Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) apprenticeship at the University of Western Australia, he realised he would need a strong foundation to faithfully do ministry long-term.
“When I was overseas in Eastern Europe, I realised how much of a privilege it is to have access to quality theological studies, as most pastors in the country we were in didn’t have any theological training and worked bi-vocationally. This further cemented my desire to study at college, and I made the tough decision to come back from overseas to study at Trinity.”
Jahjah shares that the relationships he gets to build at Trinity with other students are one of the most valuable aspects of his studies.
“Not only do the other students encourage me in my studies, but they are also part of the cohort of people who will, hopefully, emotionally, spiritually, and financially support us as we serve overseas in the future. I have found that I can count on them for everything from a quick chat over coffee to deep discussions about theology late at night in the library,” he says.
During the last two years of Jahjah’s study at Trinity, he’s been challenged and grown in his faith. “My theological convictions have been battered, broken down at times, moulded, and strengthened into foundations which I am confident I can lean on for decades of future ministry,” he says. Jahjah adds that the assessments and language learning have been challenging and rewarding. As he learns more about the Bible, his understanding of theological truths sink deeper into his heart.
“My understanding of God and the gospel has been stretched in ways that I never knew were possible as I’ve been pushed to comprehend the never-ending limits of God’s holiness, kindness, and grace, as well as my own weakness, selfishness, and sin,” he explained.
Jahjah shares that Trinity is a great resource and blessing to the surrounding churches in Perth. From his personal experience, Trinity has helped to sharpen his Bible literacy, assisted in the formation of theological convictions, matured his personal character, and developed ministry partnerships with other like-minded gospel workers.
“Currently, I lead a small group at church and also preach several times throughout the year. It’s always great when the passage that we’re studying at church lines up with something we’ve recently done at college. But more importantly, Trinity has sharpened my Bible-handling skills, which helps me every time I come to open the Bible,” he shares.
After Jahjah completes his degree at Trinity, he and Amy plan to return to cross-cultural mission work. Currently, they’re preparing for this goal, which they pray will come to fruition in 2025.