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Studying at Trinity, a no-brainer: Tom’s story

“The opportunity to study God’s Word at a deeper level at Trinity was a no-brainer.”

When Tom was 26 years old, he became convinced of the truth of the gospel after a soccer teammate shared it with him. His life completely changed, and he surrendered his life to Jesus. 

Originally from the UK, Tom moved to Australia in 2011 shortly after becoming a Christian on what was meant to be a working holiday. Along with his wife Melissa, they attend Endeavour Christian Gathering, where he previously served as an Associate Pastor.

Prior to studying at Trinity, Tom held three jobs, including as a trade assistant for an engineering firm, a furniture removalist, and his internship role at Endeavour. It was Tom’s pastor who suggested he take on part-time study at Trinity to assist with his internship.

“I had previously done some Trinity at Night courses, where I had experienced some excellent teaching, so the opportunity to study God’s Word at a deeper level at Trinity was a no-brainer,” Tom shared.

The decision to study a Bachelor of Theology at Trinity “was very easy” for Tom. “The robust quality teaching I had received at the Trinity at Night courses meant that I didn’t need to look elsewhere. And having spoken to other former students who had nothing but praise for the college and for what they had learnt through Trinity, it was a very quick decision in the end,” he explained.

“God has helped me to see the big overarching picture of the Scriptures and how to work through the Bible systematically. As we say, all roads lead to Rome. Well, every single book of the Bible connects to Jesus, even the most obscure texts. God has also shown me how to apply the Bible to ordinary Christian living. God has shown me what he has been and is doing in the world to bring glory to his name. Studying at Trinity has helped me have more confidence in God’s Word, and the assurance that God is faithful and will never let any of his people go. What an amazing blessing,” Tom shared.

With every lecture he attended at Trinity, Tom has been able to use his learnings to serve his church and in his ministry. He has used his biblical knowledge to prepare Bible studies and sermons, and also to assist in pastoral care and outreach.

“Trinity has helped me to become more engaged with God’s Word, which has led me to be more engaged in ministry on behalf of Jesus.”

During his time at Trinity, Tom has found the lecturers and his fellow students extremely caring and supportive.

“There have been plenty of times where I thought an assignment was too hard, or I was finding a lecture too difficult to understand, but the pastoral care I received kept me going, which enabled me to get through any challenges I faced,” he explained.

He shared that his main challenge has been going through rigorous training, especially studying Greek. However, with the help of the understanding lecturers, he has managed to get through his degree and enjoy what he has been learning along the way.

Having recently finished his role as Associate Pastor at Endeavour, Tom is currently on a break from ministry and has returned to work in engineering until the end of the year. Over the past ten years, he has been involved in young adult, men’s, and pastoral care ministries and hopes that he will be able to find a new role working in these. 

Tom has just completed his studies at Trinity and would encourage others to consider studying there themselves.

“Go for it!” he exclaims.

“You will learn so much about the Scriptures, but also about yourself, and how God wants to challenge and grow you. You will be surrounded by a godly-focused community who will always be there for you, but also challenge you as you grow in Jesus. It will be a huge blessing to you to study at Trinity, as it has been for me.”

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