During the summer break, many of our students are actively involved in missions trips and…
Pursuing holiness: Cameron’s story
Since becoming a Christian at age 18, Cameron has been on a pursuit of holiness. His most recent pursuit of holiness has led him and his family to move from Albany to Perth to study at Trinity.
The early years
Cameron grew up in a Christian family, attended a Christian school, youth group, and Bible study. All of his friends at the time were Christians, and even though he would have called himself a Christian, he says this is only because it was more convenient for him to be able to say he was a Christian, as he was a self-described “people pleaser trying to find acceptance”.
During high school, he became obsessed with sports and fitness and noticed that it helped him to feel accepted and recognised. Looking back, Cameron says the ‘god’ he was worshipping during that time was his own image. At this time Cameron turned his back on any pretence of being a Christian and spent his time partying and chasing worldly pleasures.
“I had money, my licence, freedom and could go to parties and do what I wanted. I felt that the guardrails were up for so long in my childhood, and I had always felt that Christianity was something that was suppressing me from doing what I really wanted.”
This lifestyle quickly turned from the fun and freedom that he was seeking, into depression and anxiety that put him at rock bottom.
“I started to ask some really big questions about the purpose of life and what I was doing with mine… One night I was bored and just decided to go to church for the night service.”
Cameron shared that after the service he was approached by a few older men who he knew from his earlier years at church. They were kind and interested in how he’d been going. They began inviting him into their homes and to other Christian events, all while showing a real interest in him as a person.
“They started to talk to me about some of the things that I was thinking about, challenging me, showing me my sin, but still loving me deeply,” he explains. As Cameron listened and learned from these men, he was able to acknowledge his sin, his need for Jesus, and become a Christian.
From trade to training for ministry
Soon after, Cameron got a job as a trade assistant working with welders and mechanics. As he continued to work, he had some hardships in his faith journey, but once he was able to break through those and work past them into God’s grace, he became enthusiastic about the Bible and wanted to spend all his free time reading and studying it.
“All I wanted to do was watch and listen to sermons and read my Bible because I had developed such a big conviction of God’s power to bring people to him,” he shared.
“I took up the internship program that my church, Albany Baptist, was running for one day per week while I was still working as a tradie.”
“It was so good, I loved it, and I was just hungry for more,” he exclaimed.
“As much as I struggled with the academic side of it as I generally prefer to be outside and moving around, I loved the content and loved being in the Bible more.”
Cameron shares that he was so inspired by his studies that he began serving more with the youth ministry at Albany, and also started mentoring a couple of teenagers and reading the Bible with them. When he finished that, he found himself still wanting more.
By this stage, Cameron was married to his wife, Elizabeth, with two kids. They were really happy in Albany, surrounded by support from their families and church family. They didn’t want to move away from what they had, but they began to feel convicted to move to Perth for Cameron to study at Trinity.
“I just couldn’t bear the thought of trying to do some kind of online study. We knew it would be hard, but that it would be an instrument that God would use to change us and to conform us into his image. So, we moved!
“It has been so worth it — not just the studying and sitting in class and doing assignments, but being around other people who are like-minded, keen to serve the Lord, and know more about him so that they can share it with others.”
Trinity so far
Cameron is currently studying a Bachelor of Theology at Trinity and has really enjoyed his time so far. He has appreciated that everything at Trinity points and directs people back to Jesus and the gospel.
“It’s all about the person and work of Christ,” Cameron shared.
“There’s so much detail that I’ve learned at college, but I think it’s the big picture things that have really been most valuable to me.”
Cameron has shared that he’s really benefited from being in community with other students and lecturers who are there to support and teach.
“My knowledge of the Bible has dramatically increased, which means that the study’s doing what it’s there to do. I’ve found that the theology lectures especially have been just awesome in expanding my knowledge of God and what he’s done, but also having it in such a neatly packaged way, really showing me how thrilling it is and how awesome it is.”
Cameron strongly believes that Trinity has equipped and prepared him for the important task of sharing the gospel, in whatever capacity that ends up being.
“I’m not studying simply for a ministry position, but to pursue holiness. Wherever I end up going, it doesn’t really matter, so long as I get to continue encouraging and building others up in the faith to be on fire for Jesus.
“Trinity will give you the best, robust theology, continuing to point you and those you minister to, to Jesus and the gospel. As such, you will be better equipped for building God’s church, which is his will for us.”