Cohen has always been a man of numbers. As a qualified actuary, he thrived in…
Comprehensive study at Trinity for all of life: Joe’s story
“In the same way a medical student is able to treat a patient more comprehensively with robust training, I believe that my studies at Trinity are growing me to be able to more comprehensively study God’s Word and apply it to all of life as it impacts myself and those I teach.”
Originally from Albany, where he met his wife Gemma, Joe has a background in landscape construction, specifically in building playgrounds in public spaces. However in the last few years, Joe has increasingly found himself being drawn to serving vocationally in ministry and studying theology.
“Gemma and I attend High Wycombe Church, a Westminster Presbyterian Church, planted just a couple of years ago. I work there as an intern one day a week. I don’t have a specific role there, given the nature of being a relatively small church, in its infancy stages of a plant. This is actually great because it allows me to get involved in so many different ministry areas, whether that be preaching on a Sunday or mowing the church lawn on a Wednesday.”
When deciding where he wanted to study, Joe really wanted somewhere that was reformed and where he knew he would be challenged to think deeply about various challenging aspects of theology.
Joe reflects, “My initial pursuit of studying theology was largely encouraged by elders at my church. But once I started out with the diploma study, I loved it so much that I have now stuck around for the full three year Bachelor degree!”
With no uncertainty about it, Joe boldly shared with us that the best part about studying at Trinity is “the sheer quality of the teaching staff. There is never a moment when I feel as though the lecturer has not done their due diligence in preparing the lectures. This is further evidenced in their ability to answer curly questions with thought out answers in faithful and helpful ways.”
Coming from a background of being on the tools full-time, to now study and ministry, Joe has found the adjustment challenging, but feels well-supported in his endeavours.
“I had no clue how to do referencing, or what an academic standard of writing looked like, but the support staff and lecturers were patient and very helpful in explaining. It was all a big learning curve so I am extremely thankful for the support.”
Through his studies so far at Trinity, Joe reflects, “God has grown me in both humility and confidence. The more I have studied, the more I have realised how little I know. However, at the same time, it has been such a blessing to be able to open God’s Word and have some really solid handles to get me on the right track.”
Joe would love to see more and more West Australians being trained up and equipped for ministry. He strongly believes that Trinity is the best place to do that.
“In the same way a medical student is able to treat a patient more comprehensively through robust training, I believe that my studies at Trinity are growing me to be able to more comprehensively study God’s Word and apply it to all of life as it impacts myself and those I teach.
“Not only are you going to receive world class theological training, but you will be involved in a warm, loving community of believers that truly value God’s Word. The lecturers have high standards, but they are also gracious and always there to help. The courses are also flexible to your various life circumstances. I commend Trinity to you.”