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Trinity in Town Geraldton with Lachlan Edwards ‘How can they believe in Jesus if they haven’t heard of him?’ (Rom 10:14) We live in a context where most haven’t heard the gospel of Jesus clearly. In this unit we will…

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The Gospel and Other Cultures

Term 4 Trinity at Night Unit with Mike Webb This unit will help you understand your own culture and the culture of others to enable you to effectively share the gospel and disciple people in our multicultural context. Thursdays |…

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Term 3 Trinity at Night Unit with Campbell Markham “I’m not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes…” (Rom 1:16). Paul’s letter to the Romans displays the beating heart of…

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Youth Ministry

Term 3 Trinity at Night Unit with Ed Surrey How important is youth ministry? What should it look like? Why do we do the things we do? This unit explores how we can help young people grow as solid disciples…

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