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Witnessing real change: Hayden’s story

Just as Hayden was feeling apathetic towards faith, God invaded his world by transforming the lives of significant people around him. Through this, Hayden was drawn to develop his own understanding of the person and work of Christ in an…

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Scientist, Actor, Pastor, Theologian: Steven’s story

Steven Daly has a long-standing relationship with Trinity Theological College in Perth.  “I’ve been aware of Trinity since its beginning in the late 90’s,” he recalls. “At the time, I was attending occasional seminars and other things that Trinity was…

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The radical value of the gospel: Matt’s journey

Philosophy and Ethics teacher turned Trinity student Matt grew up in a Christian family as the son of a minister. Matt describes himself as “that annoying kid who thought he had the ‘right answers’” through his childhood, but he struggled…

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