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Read more about the College and our ministry, our students, and where our graduates are working to advance God’s Kingdom. Trinity News is our quarterly newsletter. Feel free to subscribe to receive yours directly.

Summer 2024
Texts to Keep Us Going and Growing

Spring 2024
Keeping Focus in Gospel Ministry

Winter 2024
It’s About People

Autumn 2024
Ministries of the Word

Trinity News Issue 101 | Summer 2022
Mentoring According to Paul

Trinity News Issue 100 | Spring 2022
Preparing People for Effective Christian Service

Trinity News Issue 99 | Winter 2022
Participation in Christ

Trinity News Issue 98 | Autumn 2022
As You Were Taught…

Trinity News Issue 97 | Summer 2021
Praying and Trusting for Gospel Growth

Trinity News Issue 96 | Spring 2021
Mercy and Strength

Trinity News Issue 95 | Winter 2021
Together in the Essential Tasks

Trinity News Issue 94 | Autumn 2021
Finish the Race, Complete the Task


Have you experienced, or know of someone who has, a story of God’s grace and goodness that may encourage our community?

Get in touch and share it with us!

Throughout the year numerous events are held including Commencement and Graduation, Ministry Matters, Trinity Women Enrich Conference and Annual Lecture. Feel free to listen to our event speakers here:

Rory Shiner

Frank Nicol
“Christ’s Powerful Grace on Display”

Cohen Watson
“The Cross of Christ – The Key to it All”

Phil Beeck
“The Cross of Christ – The Key to it All”

Ben Johnston
“The Workers and the Harvest”

Gordon Killow
“Pay Attention to God’s Word”

Peter Adam
“Present Yourself to God?””


The College gathers for chapel on Tuesdays during semester. The heart of our time together is the exposition of Bible books by our Faculty members and visiting preachers. Feel free to listen to some of our services available here:

Dan Cole
1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

Darrell Parker
2 Corinthians 1:12 – 2:11

David Kummerow
1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

Dan Cole
1 Thessalonians 1

Thom Bull
Genesis 16:1-16

Tim Thorburn
Genesis 15:1-21

Mike Webb
Exodus 32

Don West
Exodus 24:12 – 25:9

Don West
Exodus 19

Chin Wee Ang
Exodus 16-18

David Kummerow
Exodus 12:1-30

Don West
Exodus 6:28-7:25

Ben Rae
Exodus 5:1-6:27

Thom Bull
Exodus 2:23-3

Dan Cole
Exodus 1, 2

Don West
Exodus 1

Craig Verdouw
Psalm 52

Sam Rae
Psalm 51

Don West
Psalm 55

Warick Smith
Psalm 50

Dan Patterson
Psalm 115

Don West
Psalm 103

Don West
Psalm 95

Dan Cole
Psalm 84

Grant Taylor
Psalm 80

Don West
Psalm 50

Frank Nicol
Psalm 49

David Kummerow
Psalm 48

Phil Beeck
Psalm 47

Thom Bull
Psalm 46

Don West
Psalm 46

David Kummerow
Psalm 44

Don West
Psalm 42, 43

Gordon Killow
Isaiah 11:1-12:6

Greg Harris
Isaiah 9:8-10:34

Grant Taylor
Isaiah 8:1-9:7

Dan Cole
Isaiah 7

David Kummerow
Isaiah 6

Thom Bull
Isaiah 5:1-30

Grant Taylor
Isaiah 2:5-4:6

Scott Thomson
Isaiah 1:1-2:4

Dan Cole
Isaiah 54:1-17

Dan Cole
Isaiah 53:1-12

Dan Cole
Isaiah 52:1-15

Don West
Ezekiel 36:16-32

Ed Surrey
Daniel 2

Ed Surrey
Daniel 1

Marty Foord
Amos 1-2

David Kummerow
Amos 3-4

Allan Chapple
Amos 5-6

Don West
Amos 7-8

Dan Cole
Amos 9

Jeff Hunt

Marty Foord
Amos 1-2

David Kummerow
Amos 3-4

Allan Chapple
Amos 5-6

Don West
Amos 7-8

Dan Cole
Amos 9

David Kummerow
Zechariah 9

Dan Cole
Zechariah 11

Don West
Zechariah 12

Tim Thorburn
Zechariah 13

Allan Chapple
Zechariah 14

Don West
Malachi 3:13-4:3

Don West
Malachi 2:17-3:15

Don West
Malachi 2:10-16

Don West
Malachi 1:6-2:9

Don West
Malachi 1:1-5

David Mitchell
Matthew 7:7-11

Don West
Matthew 6:7-13

Grant Taylor
Matthew 5:1-12

Victor Owuor
Mark 9

Gerard Field
Mark 9:14-29

Grant Taylor
Isaiah 40:1-11, Mark 1:1-15

Grant Taylor
Mark 1:1-15

Matt Harding
Mark 1:1-13


David Kummerow
Luke 22:24-38

Thom Bull
Luke 22:1-23

Matt Smith
Luke 21:5-38

Don West
Luke 19:45-48 – 20:1-40

Don West
Luke 19:1-27

David Kummerow
Luke 22:24-38

Thom Bull
Luke 22:1-23

Matt Smith
Luke 21:5-38

Don West
Luke 19:45-48 – 20:1-40

Don West
Luke 19:1-27

Andy Pearce
Luke 19:11-27

Evan McFarlane
Luke 18:1-14

Dan Cole
Luke 16:19-31

Brendan Hurley
Luke 14:15-35

Don West
Luke 13:18-24

Ed Surrey
Luke 12:1-34

Don West
Luke 12:35-48

Don West
Luke 12:35-48

Ed Surrey
Luke 12:13-34

Don West
Luke 11:27-54

Don West
Luke 11:14-28

Matt Dodd
Luke 11:14-28

Don West
Luke 11:1-13

Damien Young
Luke 11:1-13

David Seccombe
Luke 10:38-42

Marty Foord
Luke 10


Marc Dale
Luke 10:1-20

Don West
Luke 9:43b-62

Mike Fischer
Luke 9:28-43a

Don West
Luke 9:1-27

Mike Fischer
Luke 8:22-39

Don West
Luke 8:22-56

Rory Shiner
Luke 8:1-21

Peter Adam
Luke 7:36-50

Allan Chapple
Luke 7:18-49

Thom Bull
Luke 7:1-17


Allan Chapple
Luke 6:37-49

David Kummerow
Luke 6:27-36

Don West
Luke 6:17-26

Dan Cole
Luke 5:33-6:16

Allan Chapple
Luke 5:17-32

Don West
Luke 5:1-16

Don West
Luke 4:31-44

Allan Chapple
Luke 4:14-30

Dan Cole
Luke 4:1-13

Don West
Luke 3:1-38

Mike Fischer
Luke 12:49-13:9

Dan Cole
Luke 2:21-52

Thom Bull
Luke 2:1-20

Allan Chapple
Luke 1:57-80

Don West
Luke 1:26-56

Dan Cole
Luke 1:5-25

Allan Chapple
Luke 1:1-4

Lachlan Edwards
Acts 1

Mike Webb
Acts 17:16-34

David Seccombe
Romans 1:1-17
Download Listen

Dan Cole
1 Corinthians 15:35-58

Grant Taylor
2 Corinthians 6

Dan Cole
2 Corinthians 5

Dan Cole
2 Corinthians 3, 4

Dan Cole
2 Corinthians 2:37-46

Tom Richards
2 Corinthians 2:12-3:6

Don West
2 Corinthians 1:1-11

Evan McFarlane
Ephesians 4

Thom Bull
Ephesians 1:1-14

Martin Foord
Philippians 1:1-11

David Kummerow
Philippians 1:12-26

Tim Thorburn
Philippians 1:27-2:11

Martin Foord
Colossians 1:15-23

Dan Cole
Colossians 2:8-23

David Skirving
Colossians 3:1-14

Don West
Colossians 3:15-4:1

Dan Cole
Colossians 4:2-18

Gary Nelson
1 Thessalonians 4:1-7


Michael Baines
1 Thessalonians 2:1-16

Marty Foord
James 1:1-18

Ben Rae
James 1:19-27

Allan Chapple
James 2:1-13

Sam Rae
James 2:14-26

Don West
James 3

Gordon Killow
James 4

David Kummerow
James 5:1-12

Dan Cole
James 5:13-20

David Skirving
2 Peter 3

Thom Bull
2 Peter 2

Mike Horgan
2 Peter 1:12-21

Allan Chapple
2 Peter 1:1-11

Tim Thorburn
Revelation 10:1-11:14


Please note: The following ministry positions are being advertised by third parties. Any information, offer, or content contained in these advertisements are made by the relevant third-party and do not imply its endorsement or recommendation by Trinity Theological College.

Children's Minister, Mundaring Church of Christ, Mundaring WA (part-time)

Mundaring Church of Christ is seeking a Children’s Minister who can who can oversee and coordinate the development of a Kids’ Church curriculum and provide direction and support to the volunteers that will grow and disciple our kids in their love of the Lord Jesus. Our Kids’ Church program currently consists of three age groups: Bubbles (3year olds to Year 1 Primary), Splash (Years 2 to 5 Primary) and Tweens (Years 6-9).

Further details are available here. If you have any questions please email: [email protected]. The closing date for this position is 5pm on the 30th April.

Youth Coordinator/Pastor, East Fremantle Baptist Church, East Fremantle WA (part-time)

East Freo Church is a vibrant, contemporary, and welcoming community with around 150 attendees across two services (Saturday 5pm & Sunday 10am). Our youth ministry meets on Friday nights, welcoming both church and community youth, with a Bible study during the sermon every second week.

We’re seeking a Youth Pastor or Youth Coordinator (0.4 FTE, two days/week) to disciple young people and help them grow in faith.

Key Requirements:
✔ Theological training (completed or in progress)
✔ Leadership experience in youth or Christian ministry
✔ Strong communicator of God’s Word
✔ Collaborative and community-focused
✔ Relevant clearances (or willingness to obtain)

Potential for mentorship into Associate or Senior Pastor roles.

📩 Interested? We’d love to hear from you! Email [email protected]
📅 Applications close: 28th March
🔗 More about us:

Senior Pastor, East Fremantle Baptist Church, East Fremantle WA (full-time)

East Freo Church is seeking a Senior Pastor to lead us into a new phase of growth, either full-time or close to full-time.

We are a vibrant, contemporary, and welcoming church with around 150 attendees across two services (Saturday 5pm & Sunday 10am). Our ministries include Alpha, Marriage Courses, Youth & Young Adults, and Stepping Stones Child Development Centre (a not-for-profit pre-kindy).

We’re looking for a pastorally experienced, theologically trained leader (WA Baptist Accreditation or willingness to attain) who:

✔ Preaches biblically and practically
✔ Builds teams and ministries collaboratively
✔ Develops and mentors new ministry leaders
✔ Engages with all ages and our wider community
✔ Supports our childcare ministry

Further details are available here. Interested? Email [email protected].

Applications close: 28th March.

Associate Pastor, Busselton Baptist Community Church, Busselton WA (full-time)

Busselton Baptist Community Church is looking for an Associate Pastor who loves Jesus, is innovative, organised, collaborative and passionate about equipping all God’s people for the work of ministry. We are seeking someone who will be an excellent fit for our theology, ministry philosophy, and culture and consider their appointment to lead across our five maturity areas depending on the gifts, skills and experience. The role may also include a people group focus. Maturity Areas are:

  • Deeply trusting in the Word of God
  • A Love for God
  • Belonging in Community
  • Serving Others
  • Reaching out on Mission

Located 2.5 hours southwest of Perth, Busselton is situated on the beautiful Geographe Bay. We’re on a mission to make mature disciples of Jesus in ever-increasing number worldwide – for the glory of God and the love of others. And we have a vision to be a fruitful church – focused on growing and planting services and churches with a passion for sending disciples near and far!

Further details on the role are available here and here.

To apply, please request an application pack via our website. Complete and return the application form to [email protected], ensuring you have included a current CV clearly outlining your qualifications, career history, current contact details and at least three referees.

Applications close 28 February 2025.

Pastor, Grace Christian Church, Armadale and Calvary Presbyterian Church, Brookton WA (full- or part-time)

Grace Christian Church, Armadale and Calvary Presbyterian Church, Brookton are both seeking part-time pastors. Both churches are working together with the hope that one person might fill both roles, making one full-time position.

Both Grace and Brookton present rich gospel opportunities and complexities requiring considerable pastoral sensitivity. Both churches are part of the Westminster Presbyterian Church denomination.

Role descriptions for both positions can be obtained by emailing [email protected]. Applications close on 22 February 2025.

Hospital Chaplain, Geraldton WA (part-time)

The Anglican Diocese of North West Australia is seeking a part-time (3 days per week) Hospital Chaplain who will help to provide spiritual care to patients, residents and staff of health and aged care facilities in Geraldton.

You will work as a member of the facility team, with the primary responsibility of providing chaplaincy services.

Geraldton Hospital Chaplain Info Pack

Check out the North West Diocese and contact Bishop Darrell Parker on (08) 9921 7277 or Diocesan Secretary (Registrar) Khim Harris on 0433 033 174 for more information.

Hospital Chaplain, Geraldton WA (part-time)

The Anglican Diocese of North West Australia is seeking a part-time (3 days per week) Hospital Chaplain who will help to provide spiritual care to patients, residents and staff of health and aged care facilities in Geraldton.

You will work as a member of the facility team, with the primary responsibility of providing chaplaincy services.

Geraldton Hospital Chaplain Info Pack

Check out the North West Diocese and contact Bishop Darrell Parker on (08) 9921 7277 or Diocesan Secretary (Registrar) Khim Harris on 0433 033 174 for more information.

Sole Pastor, Manjimup Baptist Church, Manjimup WA (full- or part-time)

The Manjimup Baptist Church is seeking expressions of interest for the position of full time or part time Sole Pastor.

The Fellowship is looking for an enthusiastic pastor who will head up the work and create an environment where the Spirit of God can flourish so that people will come to know Jesus as Lord, and Christians will grow and mature in their faith and relationship with God.

It is also expected that the appointee will be one who is part of a team allowing others to minister, who will be willing to focus on the mission and vision of the Church and be ready to shepherd the congregation.

A synopsis of the church and its ministries together with further details of roles, responsibilities and key attributes is available here. Some details about Manjimup, its setting and major facilities are also included. Please also visit our website.

Please submit your application with resume for consideration together with the names and contact details of three referees by close of business on 28th March 2025. Applications may be lodged by email or by mail marked ‘confidential’. All applications will be treated in the strictest confidence.

For enquiries and/or further information, please contact Ross Bremner, Chairperson & Elder, Pastoral Search Team via email or phone 0438 711 316.

Senior Pastor, Albany Church of Christ, Albany WA (full-time)

The Church of Christ Albany is a vibrant, multi-generational church, committed to preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We desire to become a more community-oriented church that is passionate about discipleship and mission. We are seeking a
visionary Senior Pastor to lead us as we seek to make disciples, grow in faith and engage in meaningful service both locally and globally.

You would work alongside our Associate Pastors, with supportive Eldership and Executive leadership groups, ministering to a church of about 300 people.

We are an established, stable church situated on the south coast of Western Australia, 420km from Perth. With a population of approximately 41 000, Albany retains a small town feeling with city opportunities.

Additional information can be found here. For an Application Package, please contact: The Pastoral Search Team, email: [email protected]

Senior Pastor, East Fremantle Baptist Church, East Fremantle WA (full-time)

Senior Pastor – East Fremantle Baptist Church

East Freo Church is seeking a Senior Pastor to lead us into a new phase of growth, either full-time or close to full-time.

We are a vibrant, contemporary, and welcoming church with around 150 attendees across two services (Saturday 5pm & Sunday 10am). Our ministries include Alpha, Marriage Courses, Youth & Young Adults, and Stepping Stones Child Development Centre (a not-for-profit pre-kindy).

We’re looking for a pastorally experienced, theologically trained leader (WA Baptist Accreditation or willingness to attain) who:
✔ Preaches biblically and practically
✔ Builds teams and ministries collaboratively
✔ Develops and mentors new ministry leaders
✔ Engages with all ages and our wider community
✔ Supports our childcare ministry

Click here for more details about the position. Interested? Email Brian McDonald [email protected].

Pastoral Intern, Scots' Church Fremantle WA (full-time)

Scots’ Church is a growing congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Australia which is highly committed to proclaiming the Gospel to Fremantle and its surrounding region: through the faithful teaching of God’s Word in our Sunday services and mid-week Bible lectures; as well as through the Christ-like words and love of our people in their homes, schools, workplaces, campuses, and community.

This position will be particularly suitable for a graduate or early-career pastor who is looking to serve long-term in the Presbyterian Church of Australia.

The Intern will work closely alongside an experienced pastor, to teach and pastor the congregation, and to develop their teaching, pastoral-care, evangelistic, and administrative skills. The Intern will need to be willing to proceed toward ordination in the PCA if they are not already ordained.

To discuss this further please contact the pastor, Rev Dr Campbell Markham, on [email protected], or 0404 456 962.

Pastor, Bicton Presbyterian Church, Bicton WA (full-time)

Bicton Presbyterian Church is seeking a fulltime Minister of the Word and Sacraments to begin as soon as convenient. Bicton PC is a small but devoted congregation of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, and the applicant will have to meet the training and doctrinal standards of our denomination. The church is situated in a lovely family suburb and has its own building and spacious and modern manse. For more information please contact the Interim Moderator, Rev Dr Campbell Markham, on [email protected], or 0404 456 962.

Primary Biblical Studies Teacher x 2, St Stephen's School, Caramar and Duncraig WA (part-time)

We are inviting applications for 2x part time (0.6FTE approx. each) Primary Biblical Studies teachers working at our Carramar and Duncraig Campuses commencing Term 1, 2025.  These roles will be initially for 12 months with the possibility of becoming ongoing following a successful performance review.

The Primary Biblical Studies Teacher must have an understanding of the Australian Curriculum as presented by Western Australia and apply the associated methodologies in their teaching practices.  They are required to have involvement in teaching Biblical Studies and a proven ability to teach in this area from Pre-Primary to Year 6.

More details and Job Description available here.

Further position as well as application details are available on the Seek website.

Pastor - Christian Community Church, Morwell, VIC (full-time)

Christian Community Church Morwell (CCCM) is a bible-based, evangelical church with a commitment to expository bible study and preaching, and a heart for evangelism. We currently have two elders and around 50 people in attendance on any given Sunday.

We meet in Morwell, a town with a strategic location in Gippsland at the centre of Traralgon, Morwell, Moe and Churchill, with a combined population of more than 65,000 people within 20 minutes’ drive.

We are looking to employ a full-time pastor at our church to teach God’s word, lead by example, disciple the members of our church and lead us in reaching Morwell with the gospel. We are looking for someone who is theologically trained at a Reformed Evangelical college, with Bible teaching gifts; ministry experience; a pastoral heart for the flock; initiative; and organisational skills.

Further details regarding the position and application process can be found here. Any queries should be addressed to Daniel Joseph [email protected].

Assistant Minister - The Good Shepherd Anglican Church, Cairns QLD (full-time)

The Good Shepherd Anglican Church Edge Hill (TGS) Leadership is looking for an assistant minister to join
our team. We are keen to continue growing the congregation in spiritual maturity and in numbers, with a
particular focus on discipling emerging leaders and increasing our impact in serving our local community.
Therefore, we are looking for a dynamic evangelical minister, who is a gifted preacher with strong pastoral
skills, is able and willing to work collaboratively with the senior minister and the leadership team generally.
The assistant minister would preach at both services regularly as well as primarily be responsible for
leadership and oversight of our evening service, small groups and youth ministry.

Click here for further details relating to the position or you can contact Rev Cameron Wills, Senior Minister on 0434 649 859 or [email protected]. We would like the successful applicant to commence asap.

Assistant Pastor - Northern Hope Anglican Church, Cairns, North Queensland (full-time)

Northern Hope Anglican Church, which is part of the Southern Cross Diocese, is seeking an Assistant Pastor in a full-time capacity. The suitable person would need to cope with the Tropics (we are in Cairns, North Queensland), Church of Australia, be a Senior Pastor (probably after about 12 months of being an Assistant Pastor), and work with our Bishop. Visit our website to get a feel for the church:

See the job advertisement here. For further details, please contact Rev Trevor Saggers, [email protected], or phone Craig on 0422 061 961.

Minister/Pastor - Lighthouse Church, Geraldton WA (full-time)

Applications are invited for a full-time Minister/Pastor to fill a vacant placement at Lighthouse Church Geraldton.

Lighthouse Church is a multi-generational, contemporary and evangelical congregation of the Uniting Church located in Geraldton, a lively coastal city 420km north of Perth, WA.

The congregation is focussed on authentic worship, Scripture-focussed preaching, discipleship and Christ-centred mission. Sunday services are complemented by active Connect Groups, thriving men’s and women’s ministry groups, a dynamic youth group, an outreach Taste and See Cafe and a community playgroup.

Please click here for further details regarding the position and contact Luke Williams by email to seek more information and details on how to apply.

Associate Pastor - English Ministry, Sydney Chinese Alliance Church, Rockdale NSW (full-time)

Sydney Chinese Alliance Church is a vibrant community within the Christian and Missionary Alliance Australia, encompassing two distinct congregations: Cantonese-Mandarin and English. The English congregation, known as George Street Christian Community, has flourished and now boasts a congregation of approximately 30 individuals. The diverse congregation comprises high school and university students, working adults and young families.

The Board of Elders now seeks a God-called candidate to lead and guide the English congregation in fulfilling his purpose and mission.

Details of the Job Description and how to apply can be found here.

Senior Pastor, Narrogin Baptist Church, Narrogin WA (part-time)

Narrogin Baptist Church is an evangelical church situated in the town of Narrogin, 200km south-east of Perth. We are seeking a Senior Pastor to be responsible for the oversight and Pastoral ministry of the Church in accordance with God’s Word. Applicants should demonstrate maturity of faith and character, hold a three-year theological tertiary education or equivalent and experience in pastoral ministry or other forms of Christian ministry is preferred. This is a part time – 0.6 FTE position, with full-time employment offered for first 12 months.

Click here for a full position description and selection criteria. A profile of the church is available here.

How to Apply

Applications should be sent to [email protected] and include:

  • A cover letter expressing you interest and qualifications for the position, with particular reference to the selection criteria.
  • Your resume
  • A statement regarding your faith and your philosophy of ministry

School Chaplain, Midwest Schools, Geraldton/Midwest/Murchison area WA (part-time)

The role of supporting well-being for everyone within our school communities remains an important one as it gives our young a better chance at a fulfilling journey along their education pathway.

Here at YouthCARE, our values of care, respect, compassion and service drive our chaplains to open their hearts and connect students, staff and parents to opportunities that create meaningful experiences and positive impacts.

We have current vacancies in Midwest Schools for one and two days a week. Your ability to care, connect and provide pastoral support could be the positive difference this community needs to help them thrive.

✓ Do you love helping people grow?
✓ Are you passionate about seeing student’s reach their full potential?
✓ Do you enjoy having a positive impact on well-being?

Learn more about Youthcare. Contact: Peter Hanrahan 0428 119 622.

Assistant Chaplain, Port Hedland Seafarers Centre, Port Hedland WA (full-time)

The Port Hedland Seafarers Centre and the Anglican Diocese of North West Australia are seeking someone who shares our big vision – to bring the gospel to all nations – in the role of Assistant Chaplain.

Your primary responsibility will be to provide chaplaincy and pastoral services to Seafarers. Assisting the Senior Chaplain to ensure the Centre delivers high quality, safe, Christian focused services, and programs. For more information see and

More details regarding the role is available here. For further information or to apply, please contact Diocesan Registrar Khim Harris on 0433 033 174 or Bishop Darrell Parker on (08) 9921 7277.

Go to to download a Job Application Pack, including a detailed role description and information about the attractive working conditions.

Senior Chaplain (Head of Mission), Port Hedland Seafarers Centre, Port Hedland WA (full-time)

The Port Hedland Seafarers Centre and the Anglican Diocese of North West Australia are seeking someone who shares our big vision – to bring the gospel to all nations – in the role of Senior Chaplain.

You will lead the centre teams and promote the gospel to seafarers. Your primary responsibility will be to oversee the chaplaincy and centre ministry to ensure delivery of quality programs and services through good management of resources.  For more information see and

More details regarding the role is available here. For further information or to apply, please contact Diocesan Registrar Khim Harris on 0433 033 174 or Bishop Darrell Parker on (08) 9921 7277.

Go to to download a Job Application Pack, including a detailed role description and information about the attractive working conditions.


If you are one of our partnering churches and have a ministry position you would like to advertise, please feel free to send us your request.

Advertisements are placed at the discretion of Trinity Theological College.

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